Learn 8 ways to get rid of ants naturally without using to harmful chemicals.

Pest control service for ants

  1. Check potted plants and firewood for ants before bringing them indoors
  2. Avoid putting planters directly on the ground to prevent holding moisture.
  3. Avoid using material that do not ventilate to cover dirt are your building.
  4. Pull mulch, a common nest site, 12 -18 inches away from the foundation of the structure.
  5. Locate hole in the foundation around plumbing, poorly-sealed windows and doors,seal these areas.
  6. Most ants prefer to nest in soil or wood outdoors, but homes offer many favorable nest sites for certain ants.
  7. Seal Cracks and holes in brick veneer, wall voids and structural wood close to heat and moisture sources are commonly used
  8. Keep branches, vines and other vegetation from coming in contact with your house,ants use them to gain access to the home.


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